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Wang, L.-T., Liao, Y., Chang, S.-H*., & Park, J.-H. (2024). Effects of a 12-Week Semi-Immersion Virtual Reality-Based Multicomponent Intervention on the Functional Capacity of Older Adults in Different Age Groups: A Randomized Control Trial. Multimodal Technol.Interact., 8,67. https://
Tsai, C.-H., Liao, Y., & Chang, S.-H. (2024). Cross-sectional association of physical activity levels with risks of sarcopenia among older Taiwanese adults. BMC Geriatrics, 24.
Chen, I.-C., Chang, S.-H. (2023). The relationship between coronavirus-related anxiety on physical frailty, psychological frailty, and social frailty in older community-dwellers in Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Health Research, 37(4), 253-260.【IF=0.9 ; HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES ; ranking 147/175 [84.0%] ,Q4】
Lai, W.-C., Lin, Y.-S., Ho, H.-H., Chang, S.-H. (2022). Customer Relationship Management in the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Post-Pandemic Period:Taking Taipei Tennis Center as an Example. Sports & Exercise Research, 24(4), 462-480.【N/A, 2022 IF:N/A, N/A; Ranking: N/A, N/A】
Huang, W.-C., Chang, S.-H., Hsueh, M.-C., Liao, Y. (2023). Relationship of sleep regularity with device-based sedentary behavior time and physical activity time in working adults. Sleep health, 9(1), 86-92. 【SCIE, 2023 IF:3.4, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY; Ranking: 73/277 [26.3%] Q2】
Chang, Y.-K., Erickson, K. L., Aghjayan, S. L., Chen, F.-T., Li, R.-H., Shih, J.-R., Chang, S.-H., Huang, C.-M., & Chu, C.-H. (2022). The multi-domain exercise intervention for memory and brain function in late-middle-aged and older adults at risk for Alzheimer's disease: A protocol for Western-Eastern Brain Fitness Integration Training (WE-BFit) trial. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14, 227. 【SCIE, IF= 4.8 , Neuroscience; Ranking 80/272, 29.4%, Q2】
Yu, Y.-C., Lai, T.-F., Lin, C.-Y., Hsueh, M.-C., Liao, Y., Yang, L.-T., & Chang, S.-H. (2022). Associations of the audited residential neighborhood built-environment attributes with objectively-measured sedentary time among adults: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 33(8), 768-782. 【SCIE, IF=3.2, PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH; Ranking: 106/207 [51.2%], Q3】
Chang, S.-H., Wang, L.-T., Chueh, T.-Y., Hsueh, M.-C., Hung, T.-M., & Wang, Y.-W. (2021). Effectiveness of Facebook remote live-streaming-guided exercise for improving the functional fitness of community-dwelling older adults. Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 1602.【SCIE, IF=5.058; Medicine, General & Internal; Ranking: 53/172 [30.8%], Q2】
Chang, S.-H., Rutherford, R., Hsueh, M.-C., Yu, Y.-C., Park, J.-H., Wang, S., & Liao, Y. (2021). Neighborhood environment and objectively measured sedentary behavior among older adults: A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 803. 【SSCI, IF=6.461; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health; Ranking: 18/182 [9.8%], Q1】
Song, C.-Y., Tsauo, J.-Y., Fang, P.-H., Fang, I.-Y., & Chang, S.-H. (2021). Physical fitness among community-dwelling older women with and without risk of falling-the Taipei Study, Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7243. 【SSCI, IF=4.614; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health; Ranking: 45/182 [24.7%], Q1】
Hsueh, M.-C., Lin, C.-Y., Lai, T.-F., Yu, Y.-C., Chang, S.-H., Bae, J. Y., & Liao, Y. (2021). Is achieving 7,000 steps/day cross-sectionally and prospectively associated with older adults' lower-extremity performance? BMC Geriatrics, 21(1), 313-320.【SSCI, IF=4.070; 5-y IF=3.8;Geriatrics & Gerontology; Ranking: 10/37 [27.0%], Q2】
Ho, H.-H., Fang, I.-Y., Yu, Y.-C., Huang, Y.-P., Kuo, I.-L., Wang, L.-T., Tsai, M.-C., Chang, S.-H., & Hsueh, M.-C. (2021). Is functional fitness performance a useful predictor of risk of falls among community-dwelling older adults? Archives of Public Health, 79(1), 154. 【SSCI, IF=2.736; Public, Environment & occupational health ; Ranking: 100/182 [54.9%], Q3】
Hsieh, S.-S., Tsai, J.-R., Chang, S.-H., Ho, J.-Y., Chen, J.-F., Chen, P.-H., Sung, Y.-T., & Hung, T.-M. (2019). The subject-dependent, cumulative, and recency association of aerobic fitness with academic performance in Taiwanese junior high school students. BMC Pediatrics, 19(1), 25-33. 【SCIE, IF=1.909; Pediatrics; Ranking: 59/128 [46.0%], Q2】
Chang, S.-H., Hsueh, M.-C., & Liao, Y. (2018). Personal and behavioral correlates of total and domain-specific sedentary behaviors in older Taiwanese adults. BMC Geriatrics, 18(1), 294. 【SSCI, IF=2.818; Gerontology; Ranking: 8/36 [22.2%], Q1】
Liao, Y., Huang, P.-H., Chen, Y.-L., Hsueh, M.-C., & Chang, S.-H. (2018). Dog ownership, dog walking, and leisure-time walking among Taiwanese metropolitan and nonmetropolitan older adults. BMC Geriatrics, 18(1), 85. 【SSCI, IF=2.818; Gerontology; Ranking: 8/36 [22.2%], Q1】
Liao, Y., Chang, S.-H., Ku, P.-W., & Park, J.-H. (2017). Associations of public bicycle use with transport-related and leisure-time physical activity in Taiwanese adults. Journal of Transport & Health, 6, 433-438. 【SSCI, IF=2.744; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health; Ranking: 21/157 [13.3%], Q1】
Hsueh, M.-C., Liao, Y., & Chang, S.-H. (2016). Perceived neighborhood and home environmental factors associated with television viewing among Taiwanese older adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(7), 708.【SSCI, IF=2.101; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health; Ranking: 41/157 [23.2%], Q2】
Hsueh, M.-C., Liao, Y., & Chang, S.-H. (2016). Associations of total and domain-specific sedentary time with Type 2 diabetes in Taiwanese older adults. Journal of Epidemiology, 26(7), 348-354.【SCIE, IF=2.447; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health; Ranking: 53/176 [30.1%], Q2】
Chang, S.-H., Fang, I.-Y., Hsueh, M.-C., Liao, Y. (2016). Combined associations of television viewing and physical activity with overweight/obesity in Taiwanese elderly adults. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 38(3), 27-35.【SSCI, IF=N/A】
Hsueh, M.-C., Liao, Y., & Chang, S.-H. (2015). Are total and domain-specific sedentary time associated with overweight in Taiwanese older adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(10), 12697-12705.【SCIE, IF=2.035;ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES ; ranking: 101/225 [44.8%] , Q2】
Liao, Y., Wang, I.-T., Hsu, H.-H., & Chang, S.-H. (2015). Perceived environmental and personal factors associated with walking and cycling for transportation in Taiwanese adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(2), 2105-2119. 【SCIE, IF=2.035;ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES ; ranking: 101/225 [44.8%] , Q2 】
Chang, S.-H., Fang, I.-Y., Hsueh, M.-C., Liao, Y (2015). Gender differences in sociodemographic correlates with excessive television viewing time in Taiwanese older adults. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 44(6), 875-876. 【SSCI, IF=0.498 ; PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH ; ranking: 145/153 [94.7%] , Q4】
Liao, Y., Chang, S.-H., Miyashita, M., Stensel, D., Chen, J.-F., Wen, L.-T., & Nakamura, Y. (2013). Associations between health-related physical fitness and obesity in Taiwanese youth. Journal of sports sciences, 31(16), 1797–1804. 【SCIE, IF=2.095, sport science ; Ranking: 21/81 [25.9%],Q2】
陳安琪、郭品辰、張少熙 (2022)。臺灣運動經紀的商業模式-以中華職業棒球大聯盟為例。大專體育,162,1-15。
賴威志、林永森、何信弘、張少熙 (2022)。運動中心消費者環境氣氛、關係品質與再購意願關係之研究-兼論體驗價值之調節效果。運動休閒管理學報,19(1),1-19。
王立亭、林彥程、何信弘、余義箴、張少熙* (2021)。使用「90 活力站」運動APP 對中高齡功能性體適能之效益。大專體育學刊,23(2),165-182。【TSSCI】
鄭惠雯、張少熙 (2021)。社區推動在地老化之實踐:以國立臺灣師範大學辦理大學社會責任計畫 (USR) 為例。服務學習與社會連結學刊,(4),75-80。
王立亭、方怡堯、何信弘、張少熙* (2020)。台北都會區不同性別高齡者休閒時間身體活動和靜態行為與健康生活品質之關係。台灣公共衛生雜誌,39(6),696-708。【TSSCI】
林永森、張少熙、黃文雄、白如玲 (2020)。登山客熱情特質與流暢體驗遊憩心理模式之研究-兼論知覺風險之調節效果。戶外遊憩研究,33(1),35-65。【TSSCI】
何信弘、王立亭、張少熙* (2020)。 以科技接受模式探討中高齡者使用運動App之需求。 福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(2), 137-147。
余義箴、何信弘、王立亭、薛名淳、張少熙* (2020)。公園身體活動研究之系統性文獻回顧。大專體育,(152),10-31。
陳睿紳、余義箴、張少熙 (2020)。游泳場館衡量消費者滿意度指標之探討。休閒與社會研究,(21),21-30。
王立亭、薛名淳、鄭惠雯、張少熙* (2019)。時間銀行系統與機制在高齡者運動與健康促進人力之應用。運動管理,46,12-26。
陳柏仰、張少熙、何信弘 (2018)。球員複數年合約期間績效之初探:以中華職棒野手為例。休閒與社會研究,(18),1-13。
許洽銘、呂昕、張少熙 (2018)。中華職棒票房行銷策略之探討。休閒與社會研究,(17),67-74。
薛名淳、廖邕、黃品瑄、 張少熙* (2017)。高齡者久坐行為與健康之文獻回顧。台灣公共衛生雜誌,36(4),337 - 349。【TSSCI】
王立亭、張少熙 (2016)。高齡者健康促進參訪-日本 physical center 、WASEDA Club 2000 啟示。休閒與社會研究,14,131-136。
方怡堯、張少熙、何信弘 (2016)。年紀大了,該如何運動呢?。中華體育季刊,30(2),159。【TSSCI】
黃中興、張少熙、黃國恩 (2016)。大學生休閒運動心理需求、生活壓力與幸福感之研究-以國立臺灣大學為例。 臺大體育學報,(30),23-32。
黃弘欽、何信弘、張少熙 (2015)。以城市行銷策略分析臺灣路跑賽事發展。 休閒與社會研究,(11),97-107。
張少熙、方佩欣、王傑賢 (2014)。職業運動球迷品牌愛量表之建構。體育學報,47(4),569-582。【TSSCI】
黃品齊、方佩欣、張少熙 (2014) 。活躍老化:高齡者運動促進政策與實施狀況分析。休閒與社會研究,9,105-116。
朱芳儀、張少熙 (2014)。A Study on Passion and Well-being of Soccer Club Participants in Taiwan。 休閒與社會研究,(10),163-178。
方佩欣、鄧宏如、張少熙 (2014)。城市品牌形象與品牌個性之研究-以臺北市為例。休憩管理研究,1(1),63-74。
方佩欣、 張少熙、蕭玲妃(2013)。臺北市運動中心使用者之自覺健康狀態、參與動機、休閒涉入及休閒滿意之相關研究。臺大體育學報,24,37-48。
陳林鴻、張少熙、戴琇惠 (2010)。臺北市市民運動中心關係品質與顧客滿意度之研究。運動健康與休閒學刊,(16),23-31。
方佩欣、張少熙 (2008)。澳門博彩產業之教育與培訓發展現況。北縣體育,23,61-65。
張少熙 (2003)。如何活絡學校體育活動。學校體育,13(4),27-33。